Changelogs for Devs

We don't like to hide changes and stuff we have been working on.

Here's some changelogs which might help other devs getting an OMAP4 device running on any other custom rom project:

Android 4.4.4 for OMAP4 Changes on top of AOSP source to compile Android 4.4.4 for OMAP4 devices.
Android 5.1.1 for OMAP4 Changes on top of AOSP source to compile Android 5.1.1 for OMAP4 devices.
Android 6.0.1 for OMAP4 Changes on top of AOSP source to compile Android 6.0.1 for OMAP4 devices.
Android 7.0.0 for OMAP4 Changes on top of AOSP source to compile Android 7.0.0 for OMAP4 devices.