AOSP for Samsung Galaxy Nexus

For the Galaxy Nexus, we start by releasing Marshmallow builds.

The first public build has something exclusive for the Galaxy Nexus, yet unseen on any other OMAP4 device: all carveouts reserved for Ducati (the multimedia subsystem of OMAP4, responsible for hardware-accelerated video decoding, encoding and camera functionality) have been switched over to CMA.

A few words for those who see CMA for the first time:

This means that a total of 996 MB physical memory is available to the system, while keeping Ducati fully working - this is a huge step forward, coming from the 694 MB available in the last factory image released by Google (Android 4.3).

While CMA was just recently implemented for this device, thanks to one of our developers (let's just call him Luden), it's quite stable: even under heavy memory pressure, the system manages to free up the required memory in order to start up Ducati and launch the requested multimedia functionality in a few seconds at most.

Our development thread for Samsung Galaxy Nexus can be found here on XDA, in case you have questions or if you like to send some feedback to us.